Thursday, December 20

Visible Reminders of Invisible Light

The Hunt Museum   Thursday 24th January 2019 - Sunday 24th March 2019

The concept behind this exhibition is to explore a personal response to ‘the Family’ within a contemporary context, primarily using the Hunt Museum’s and Limerick Museum’s religious collections as a source of inspiration, forging links between the cultural and religious community in city and county in the process.

Wednesday, October 3

Siamsa Tíre, Tralee - Truth or Dare

My latest exhibition was in Siamsa Tire in Tralee, in May this year (2018). The show in Tralee was with two other female artists, Nuala O'Sullivan and Suzanne Mortell. I included some mixed media pieces - oil, watercolour, ink and beeswax. 

Matisse's Garden - group show 2017

In May 2017 I was invited to show in a group exhibition in The Mews Coach House in Limerick with 6 other artists: Gavin Hogg, Nuala O'Sullivan, Julie Brazil, Carl Doran, Stephen Murphy, and Sheila Richardson. This was one of the paintings I included.